Sunday, June 5, 2016

Nature medicine - Ginger Honey Syrup 天然的藥材 - 薑蜜

If you grow up in Asia, you would  knows about the ginger.  Ginger is the best friend of seafood and both of them hang out every well together.  Ginger could clear the seafood in present odors , and that mild heat will also enhance the seafood favors.  

Just happened, if you are an Taiwanese.  You definitely know to have a cup of hot sweet ginger tea.  It would help your blood circulation work better and warm you up quickly in the cold rainy day.  Of course it will keep you stay away from the sickness.   

In western culture, ginger is still a pretty new ingredient for average Americans with its different perspective.  I had lots of Americans friends who knows I have a very sensitive stomach, they always reminds me, ginger is a great medicine from nature.  It would settle down people's nausea, upset stomach.  So this couple years I have been give it some try for my uncomfortable stomach.  It does help my stomach pretty nice.  

The real motivation to make me to do this ginger honey syrup is because I couldn't get the nice decent product from Asian supermarket, and I couldn't even get a nice piece of ginger from American supermarket.  These was very bother me, therefore, when I got a chance to go to Asian market, I would just buy a large piece of ginger, then make this thick ginger honey syrup.  


1. 1 cup of roughly diced gingers. 

2. 1 cup of regular sugar, plus 1 cup of light brown sugar.  * light brown sugar carry that a bit more of molasses flavor that I like, but I don't want it to over power the dishes while I might use in other dishes in the future.  That's why I mix with regular white sugar.  

3. 1/4 cup of good real honey.

4. 1/2 cup of water blend with ginger. Plus 1 cup of water to make ginger honey syrup.  

Have your can blanch or rinse in the hot boiling water then air dry first. 

Blend ginger with 1/2 cup of water to fine texture in the food processor of blender first.

Pour in the sauce pan, use medium high heat to bring it to the boiling point, cook more about 3-5 minutes.  Let all the ginger flavors released.  * Do know the longer you cook ginger the spicy it would gets.  

Then, add in the regular white sugar and light brown sugar, and 1 cup of water and 1/4 cup of honey.  Continue to cook it, but watch the heat and avoid the sugar got over flowed.  During the cooking stage.  I like to use high heat resistant silicon spatula to scrape down the syrup on the side of sauce pan.  You don't really need to stir it !!! 

Cook all the ingredients as " light runny honey consistency, or you can use a cold spoon to dig in, if the soon can coated with syrup and stay, then it is done.  It can't be more simple that that ! 

Turn the heat off, while it is hot, pour in the jar, but please must be very careful, sugar temperature is very high at this stage ! 

*If you continue to cook syrup to very thick consistency when you need some forces to stir the spatula, then it would become like sugar bricks after it cool down.  

These method is only fit for small batch.  Sugar crystal point are very critical.  If you are dealing with large amount for the business or gifts to send away.  I would suggest you use thermometer, but that's another homework for me to write .... Ha!!! 

Now, I don't need to worry about getting no ginger at all.  This bottle enough for me to use at least 2-3 months.  I would use this to when I make my favorite dumping dumpling sauce, or cook salmon with soy sauce and some sake with it for my little boy.  When my stomach get discomfort or in the cold rainy winter day, I would make a cup of hot ginger honey tea.  It's very suiting.  Or, I would have it with icy cold still taste amazing in the hot summer.  I could ever add in the sweet soup to avoid my stomach catch to much acid.  It's all about to keep my life simple and enjoy some more health good food ...... 

Sincerely share this easy simple ginger honey syrup recipe with you, and hope all of you could live well and be happy !!! ~ 

如果你是在亞洲地區成長的人, 你一定認識薑這個食材.  而且知道它最好的朋友就是海鮮類, 它們二者可相處的十分融洽呢!  薑可以去魚腥味, 一點點的辣度還能提升海鮮味道.  

假使你剛好又是一位台灣子民, 你一定知道在下雨天裡, 來上那一杯熟騰騰的薑茶, 它會促進你良好的血液循環而且溫暖你的身心.  

在西方國家的文化裡, 薑對於一般的美國人民還是屬於新的食材, 而且有著不同的看法.  我的一些美國朋友們知道我胃腸敏感, 常提醒我薑是一種很安胃舒腸的天然的藥材, 可以令不舒服噁心的胃腸溫和下來.  所以近年來我便試著用在我胃腸不適上, 效果還真不錯! 

但真正的動機讓我做這薑蜜的原因, 是我沒有辦法在市面上找到不錯的, 而且連在美國超市賣的薑都很不像樣, 這非常的困擾我. 所以每當我有機會去亞洲超市時, 我便會買一大塊薑, 然後來做這些濃稠的薑蜜.  


1. 1 杯隨意切的薑丁. 

2. 1 杯白砂糖, 加上1杯紅砂糖. * 紅砂糖帶有一點糖蜜的香氣是我喜歡的, 但我以後會用來這薑蜜來調配其他的東西, 所以我不希望它太搶風頭, 所以才和白砂糖調和.  

3. 1/4 杯好的真蜂蜜.

4. 1/2 杯的水打薑汁用, 再加1 杯的水來煮薑蜜.  

先將你的瓶子用沸水煮或燙過, 自然風乾.


倒入煮醬汁的小湯鍋, 用中大火煮個3-5分鐘, 讓味道釋放出來.  * 記得, 煮的越久薑的辣味便會更明顯 ! 

然後加入各1杯的白砂糖和紅砂糖. 以及1 杯的水和1/4杯的蜂蜜.  繼續煮, 但注意別讓它溢出來了.  烹煮的過程中, 我喜歡用矽膠超耐熱材質的鍋鏟將鍋中旁側的沾黏刮下.  你不太需要攪拌它!!! 

將所有的材料煮成像稍微淡一點的蜂蜜程度, 或是你可以用一支冷的湯匙放入鍋中探視.  如果湯匙能裹上薑蜜而且留下, 那就好了.  還有什麼比這個更簡單的呢?

熄火, 趁熱放入瓶罐中, 但請務必非常小心, 此階段的糖漿溫度是很高的! 

*假使你持續煮這些糖漿至很濃稠的狀態, 而且當你在攪拌時需要一點力氣時.  那麼這些糖漿冷了之後是會變成糖磚的. 

這手法僅限用於小量的製作, 糖的結晶溫度點是很危急的. 如果你著手進行著大量的生意或是送人的禮物.  我會建議你用溫度計, 不過那又是另一份我可以寫的作業了 ..... 哈!!! 

現在我不需要再擔心買不到薑了.  這罐薑蜜足夠我用2-3個月.  我會用這個薑蜜來調我最喜歡的水餃沾醬, 或是做鮭魚的時候加上醬油和清酒以及拿它來做調味, 那則是我小兒子的最愛.   當我胃腸不舒服或者是在冷冷的下雨天裡, 我會泡一杯熱熱的薑茶非常的稱人心意.  又或者, 我會在夏天來一杯冰涼的的薑茶, 一樣好喝.  還可以加入甜湯, 減少胃酸過多的不適.  這些都是用來維持我簡單的生活, 並且可以享受更健康又美味的食物.   

真誠的與你分享這份簡易的薑蜜製作方法, 並願大家都能活的健康又開心!!!

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