What else could taste better then having a bowl of fancy delicate crab meat, and naturally sweet acorn squash at Fall ! I try to bring Asians ingredients, such as woody dry mushroom, cilantro... then give it western spice like bay leave, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Representing this dish in American style, just like I come from Taiwan,but I am enjoy to be an American too. It's a dish with great harmony and vivd personity. I serve it on my Thanksgiving table too. I think you will love it !
Preparation time: 5-10 minutes.
Cooking time: 15-20 minutes.
Serve: 4-6 people.
Serve: 4-6 people.
1. 1 large size acorn squash or 2 small, pealed, seeded, dice in chunks.
* Acorn squash has tough shell to deal with. I like to cut the top and bottom off first. This will make a steady stand, then cut off the peal, halved, seeded with spoon. It's easier and safe to handle. Same idea you can use on cutting cantaloupe, honeydew ....
2. 1small onion roughly chopped.
3. 1 Grammy smith apple , pealed, seeded, diced in chunks.
4. 3 dry mushrooms soak in the hot water, then roughly chopped. Remain the water add in the dish.
* Shitake Mushroom works fine too!
5. 1 inch size ginger rough chopped.
6. 1 stork of celery half rough chopped to cook, other half fine diced for finish serving.
7. Cilantro roughly chopped for serving.
8. 1 can 14.5 oz chicken broth.
9. I can 10 oz calm juice.
10. Shelled crab meat from can.
1. 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon.
2. 1/8 fresh ground nutmeg.
3. 1 bay leave.
4. 1/4 cup Dry white wine.
5. Salt and white and red pepper for your own taste.
Medium heat, add oil to the pot, throw in ginger and onion, sauté till ginger fragrant come out, onion looks transparent, then add in mushrooms, celery keep stirring. If bottom of pan is try, you can add a little bit more oil. Keep adding in the acorn squas, then pour in the chicken broth, calm juice, and white wine. Don't forget the mushroom water.
Turn hear high, add in bay leave, cinnamon, nutmeg, season with salt, white and red pepper for taste, bring to the broil point. Cook acorn squash to fork tender about 15 minutes, depend the size you chopped.
Pureed soup in the food processor or blender until creamy. Pour soup back to the pot adjust the thickness with a little more chicken broth or water maybe, and keep it warm.
* I would like to remain some of soup and don't blend it. When I serve, I add it on top of soup, it will look very attractive.
Serve with crab meat, sprinkle with cilantro and celery, fews red chili pepper. It is a grat joy of fancy and comforting soup at Autumn.
還有什麼在秋天裡來上一碗高級細緻的蟹肉, 配上香甜的南瓜濃湯更棒的!
我試著把亞洲的材料像是味道深沉的香菇, 香菜.... 然後再加上西式的香料, 肉桂葉, 肉桂粉和肉荳蔻粉. 再用美式的方法呈現, 就好像我來自台灣, 但是也可以開心的當位美國人一樣. 這是一道非常和諧卻又充滿特色的湯品, 也是我在感恩節會上桌的一道菜肴, 我想你會愛上它的!
準備時間: 5-10分鐘.
烹調時間: 15-20分鐘.
使用份量:約4-6 人.
1. 1 個大南瓜或是兩個小的南瓜, 去皮,去籽, 切11/2 吋塊狀.
* 南瓜帶皮有些厚重不是很容易處理. 我喜歡先切掉頭尾, 使其能夠站穩, 然後去皮, 切半, 使用湯匙去仔. 這樣會比較安全又容易去處理. 可以使用同樣的方法來切哈密瓜和綠色香瓜.
2. 1顆小洋蔥切塊狀.
3. 1顆酸的青蘋果去皮,去籽,切塊.
4. 3 顆香菇泡熱水之後切塊狀, 留下香菇水煮湯備用.
* 新鮮的香菇也可以!
5. 大約一吋左右大小的薑去皮, 切小塊.
6. 一根西洋芹, 一半切塊煮湯用, 另外一半切細丁在上桌前使用.
7. 香菜大約切細.
8. 1 罐雞高湯.
9. 1 瓶蛤蠣高湯.
10. 去殼的蟹肉.
1. 1/4 茶匙的肉桂粉.
2. 1/8 茶匙的肉荳䓻粉.
3. 1片肉桂葉.
4. 1/4 杯的白酒.
5. 鹽, 白胡椒和紅辣椒依個人喜好.
中火, 置入油, 丟入薑和洋蔥, 炒至薑味釋出, 洋蔥變透明, 再加入香菇西洋芹繼續翻炒. 如果鍋底太乾可以再加少許的油. 再繼續加入南瓜, 倒入雞和蛤蜊高湯和酒. 別忘了還有香菇水.
改大火, 加入肉桂葉, 肉桂粉, 肉豆蔻粉, 鹽巴白胡椒和紅辣椒. 講南瓜煮至軟, 約15分鐘. 依你切塊的大小不一而定.
使用食物處理機或是果汁機, 將湯攪碎成泥. 然後倒回原來的鍋中, 使用雞或蛤蠣高湯調整濃度, 並且保溫!
* 我喜歡保留一些湯品, 不攪碎, 然後上桌時放在湯頭上, 讓它看起來更吸引人.
食用前再撒上香菜和西洋芹菜末, 少許的紅辣椒粉. 這是一道在秋天溫馨又高級的享受 !
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