Saturday, May 24, 2014

How to choose a Gas Grill ??? 如何選擇瓦斯烤爐???

Spring is best season for grilling, and hang out with family and friend.  But, if you are thinking about to get a new gas grill could be tricky.  A couple years ago, I did google first to check all the reviews, then I ask my friends what they think about their favorite gas grill.  Most of answer that I get is " Go get Weber " .  That beast sure has good review because it is builded by the stainless steel which is great for the weather resistance, but the price is not too pretty for me, and that's not the only thing that I am looking for.  

I think a nice grill should be including : 

1.  All the burners should be close to each other, so it will provide the even heat.

2.  Cast iron rack, it holds the heat so well and give the food a beautiful grill mark.

3.  Extrat high heat side burner always good for making something else.

4.  A simple thermometer usually help.

5.  Nice cover is the " must " for weather protection.

I also laid down a piece of foil paper right underneath the burner to catch the grease and give the grill longer life.

It works like a charm, and the price makes me happy! 

These are the points of view from my cook experiences.  I hope it will be helpful when you shop! 

Have a nice Memorial Day !!! ^_*

春天是烤肉的最佳時節, 和家人朋友一起相聚! 但是如果您想要買台瓦斯爐用的烤爐是有點傷腦筋.  前些年我上Google網站查詢所有的售後問卷報告, 也問了一些我的朋友, 給予建議哪種烤爐是最好的.  他們全部指向Weber 這個品牌.  當然囉! 這隻猛獸是使用不鏽鋼建造的, 可以抵擋所有的風吹日曬, 但是價錢並不漂亮, 而且我要的不只這些.

我覺得一枱好的烤爐應該要具有以下這些條件 :

1.  爐頭之間的距離應該要很靠近, 才能夠提供均勻的火候.

2.  鑄䥫式的網架具熱非常好, 可讓食物留下漂亮的烤肉紋理.

3.  另外一旁添加的高溫爐頭, 可以讓你烹調其他的東西.

4.  簡單的溫度計總是幫的上忙!

5.  蓋套是一定要有的, 這樣才能避免氣候的損壞.

我還鋪了一張錫箔紙在爐頭的正下方, 接住所有滴下的油脂, 使烤爐的壽命延長.

再好用不過了! 而且價錢讓我很開心! 

這些觀點是從我烹煮當中所得的經驗, 希望當你在採買烤爐時, 能夠有所受用.

軍人節快樂 !!! ^_*

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