Saturday, May 24, 2014

How to choose a Gas Grill ??? 如何選擇瓦斯烤爐???

Spring is best season for grilling, and hang out with family and friend.  But, if you are thinking about to get a new gas grill could be tricky.  A couple years ago, I did google first to check all the reviews, then I ask my friends what they think about their favorite gas grill.  Most of answer that I get is " Go get Weber " .  That beast sure has good review because it is builded by the stainless steel which is great for the weather resistance, but the price is not too pretty for me, and that's not the only thing that I am looking for.  

I think a nice grill should be including : 

1.  All the burners should be close to each other, so it will provide the even heat.

2.  Cast iron rack, it holds the heat so well and give the food a beautiful grill mark.

3.  Extrat high heat side burner always good for making something else.

4.  A simple thermometer usually help.

5.  Nice cover is the " must " for weather protection.

I also laid down a piece of foil paper right underneath the burner to catch the grease and give the grill longer life.

It works like a charm, and the price makes me happy! 

These are the points of view from my cook experiences.  I hope it will be helpful when you shop! 

Have a nice Memorial Day !!! ^_*

春天是烤肉的最佳時節, 和家人朋友一起相聚! 但是如果您想要買台瓦斯爐用的烤爐是有點傷腦筋.  前些年我上Google網站查詢所有的售後問卷報告, 也問了一些我的朋友, 給予建議哪種烤爐是最好的.  他們全部指向Weber 這個品牌.  當然囉! 這隻猛獸是使用不鏽鋼建造的, 可以抵擋所有的風吹日曬, 但是價錢並不漂亮, 而且我要的不只這些.

我覺得一枱好的烤爐應該要具有以下這些條件 :

1.  爐頭之間的距離應該要很靠近, 才能夠提供均勻的火候.

2.  鑄䥫式的網架具熱非常好, 可讓食物留下漂亮的烤肉紋理.

3.  另外一旁添加的高溫爐頭, 可以讓你烹調其他的東西.

4.  簡單的溫度計總是幫的上忙!

5.  蓋套是一定要有的, 這樣才能避免氣候的損壞.

我還鋪了一張錫箔紙在爐頭的正下方, 接住所有滴下的油脂, 使烤爐的壽命延長.

再好用不過了! 而且價錢讓我很開心! 

這些觀點是從我烹煮當中所得的經驗, 希望當你在採買烤爐時, 能夠有所受用.

軍人節快樂 !!! ^_*

Friday, May 16, 2014

Hot Sweet Sour Soup

Chinese cooking technique likes to make things look more in volume.  3 pork chops and some different thin sliced vegetable enough to make a big pot of soup, and sever with noodle,  it will be good enough to feed the whole family members.  Especially, when you thicken up the soup with tapioca flour water mixture.  All the ingredients are so well binding together, so it will look even more abundant.  

My kids love to order this dish when we go to Chinese restaurant, but they are always fishing the meat and tofu, plus it is usually too spicy for them, so they will drink lots of water to cool it down.  Then, they will be too full for the entree.  

By making this dish is basically just dump everything in one pot, but you do need to spend sometime to practice your chopping skill.  You can even add in whatever vegetable you have in hand, by color, textures.   Just enjoy to be creative ! 


Preparation time:  

1.  Pork broth cooked 30 minutes at least. 
* I ways make this ahead and storage in freezer. 

2.  10-15 minutes for chopping all the ingredients.

Cooking time : 15 minutes to make the soup.  

Serve: 6 people.


1.  3 boneless Pork chops cut against the grain, and thin sliced .

2.  1 cup carrots thin sliced.

3.  1 cup dry mushroom, soak in the hot water till soft, then thin sliced, squeezed  the water out, but remain the juice.

4.  1 cup bamboo shoot from can , blanch in the hot water for 5 minutes, then rinse under the cold water, drained.

5.  1 cup dry fungus, soak in the hot water till it all opened, discard the water, then thin sliced.

6.  1 cup of tofu thin sliced.

7.  2 scallion, white part cut into 2 inch length for saute.  Green part diced for finish.

* All the vegetable ingredients are measure after chopped, but it doesn't need to be exactly 

8.  1 pound of Pork back born to make 6 cups pork broth.

9.  4 tablespoons tapioca or sweet potato flour mix with 4 tablespoon of cold water as thicken ingredient.  Maybe more as you needed....

10.  2 tablespoons more tapioca or sweet potato flours for the marinate pork.

Flavors for pork marinate:

1.  3 tablespoon soy sauce.  

2.  3 tablespoon Sake. 

3.  A pinch of salt and some white pepper.

Flavor for the soup: 

1.  4 tablespoons soy sauce.

2.  1 tablespoon rice vinegar.

3.  1 tablespoon sugar.

4.  2 start anise.

5.  1 red chili.

6.   Salt & white pepper.

7.  3 tablespoon or more balsamic vinegar or black vinegar.  

Pork broth : 

Simply add the pork back born and cold water together, bring to the boil with high heat, skin out the residue, keep on medium high heat till meat are almost falling from the bones. The longer it cook the rich broth you will get.  Take out the pork born with drainer. Stock can be stored in the freezer up to 3 week.  

Enjoy the meat with a touch of good soy sauce.  Simply finger liking good ....

Hot sweet sour soup :

Marinate the pork with soy sauce, Sake, a touch of salt and fairly with white pepper.  Massage well till the meat absorb all the liquid.  Set aside about 15 minutes at least, or keep in the refrigerator longer. 

Heat up the pan with high heat, add in cold oil and white part of scallion and mushroom, sauté till the fragrance come out.  Add in soy sauce to infuse the aromatic, then keep adding in the rest of ingredients, bamboo shoot, fungus, carrots, tofu, pork broth too.  Follow in rice vinegar, chili, start anise, sugar, salt, and lots of white peppers.  Bring it to boil.

Than, slowly add in the tapioca with water mixture on one hand.  stir gently with serving tablespoon attach the bottom of pan with the other hand.  Keep the heat medium high at this time. Soup will be getting thicker.  If it is not reach the thickness that you are looking for, just make more tapioca water mixture then add in more.  

* By slowly add in tapioca water mixture is very important to make the smooth soup.  Soup will take a few seconds to thicken because of heat.  Don't rush it!

Add 2 tablespoon tapioca flours with pork, mix well, then separate the meat by hand, spare and slowly add in the sticky soup.  Keep low heat, pork will be cooked no time, but silky tender. 

* Stick soup is crazy hot, please be careful and don't get burn. 

Kill the heat, drizzle balsamic vinegar and more white pepper by your taste.  Top with green part of diced scallion.  
* Cilantro is good too, if you have some! 

Serve with plain flat fresh noodle will pick up all the flavors from the soup.  

中式的烹飪技巧喜愛把少許的材料變得看起來豐富.  三塊豬里脊肉, 加上一些切絲的蔬菜, 就可以煮一鍋湯, 足夠餵寶一家人了.  特別是用太白粉勾芡, 所有的材料呈現一致, 所以看起來更加的豐盛.

我的小孩們去中國餐館時喜歡點這湯, 但是他們每次都再湯裡挑肉和豆腐吃.  加上經常太辣, 他們會灌很多水來降低辣味.  主菜還沒吃就飽了.

做這道菜基本上就是把所有的東西都丟入同一鍋裡, 不過你倒是需要花點時間在刀功上面.   你也可以隨意加入你手邊有的蔬菜, 從顏色或是口感的選擇.  好好的享用你的創造力!


豬高湯至少煮三十分鐘, 我總是提前把它做好放在冷凍裡面.


1. 三塊豬肉大里肌肉排逆紋切絲.

2.  一杯切細絲的紅蘿蔔.

3.  一杯香菇, 泡熱水使其軟之, 擠出水分,切細絲, 留下香菇汁待用.

4.  1 杯罐裝的荀絲, 用沸水煮5分鐘, 然後用冷水沖洗瀝乾.  這是用來去除酸苦味的步驟.

5.  1 杯切細絲的黑木耳, 熱水先浸泡, 等木耳全開了, 去除浸泡的水, 再切細絲.

6.  1 杯切絲的豆腐.

7.  2 根葱, 葱白切斷用來炒, 葱綠切末在最後用.

8.  一磅或更多的豬背骨頭做6 杯高湯用.  

9.  4 大匙的太白粉或蕃薯粉混合4大匙的冷水做勾芡用.  也許需要更多 ....

10.  再加上2大匙的太白粉或蕃薯粉入醃製的豬肉.

豬肉的醃製的調味料 :

1.  3 大湯匙的醬油.

2.  3 大湯匙的清酒.

3.  一點鹽和許多的白胡椒.

羹湯的調味料 :

1.  4 大湯匙的醬油.

2.  1 大湯匙的白醋.

3.  1 大湯匙的糖.

4.  2 顆八角.

5.  1 棵紅辣椒.

6.  塩和白胡椒.

7.  3 大湯匙的黑醋.

豬高湯 :

簡單地用豬骨頭加冷水用大火一起煮沸, 撈去殘留物, 改用中大火煮至骨頭上面的肉都快掉落.  煮的越久湯頭就越濃郁.  使用濾杓取出骨頭, 將高湯分別儲存在冷凍裡, 可保存三個禮拜以上.

剩下的肉沾點好醬油吃, 簡單的吮指回味無窮 ....


將豬肉絲用醬油, 清酒, 還有一點的鹽, 以及許多的白胡椒醃製.  稍微按摩使肉絲吸收所有的液體.  靜置15分鐘或是入冷藏更久的時間.

鍋用大火加熱, 入冷油以及蔥白和香菇, 炒至香味出來.  加入醬油提升香氣, 並且加入剩下所有的食材, 荀絲, 木耳, 紅蘿蔔,豆腐, 香菇汁, 豬高湯.  隨後加入白醋, 辣椒, 八角, 糖, 鹽和許多白胡椒.  煮沸.

然後一手慢慢的加入太白粉水, 另外一隻使用大湯匙貼住鍋子底部輕輕攪拌.  這時候保持中高溫的火候.  湯會逐漸變濃稠.  如果沒有達到你要的濃稠度, 可以再加入更多的太白粉水.

* 慢慢的加入太白粉水很重要, 湯才能變得順滑.  湯頭開始變濃時需要幾秒鐘的時間, 別急!

加入兩大湯匙的太白粉入豬肉裡, 攪拌均勻, 然後用手將肉分開, 並且放到焿湯裡.  使用小火, 豬肉很快就熟了, 而且還很軟嫩滑溜.

*  肉羹溫度很高, 請小心別燙傷了! 

熄火, 淋上黑醋或是更多的白胡椒, 隨個人喜好.  撒上蔥花.
* 香菜也不錯, 如果有的話!

和平板的白麵條一起使用, 可以帶起湯中所有的風味入口.

Friday, May 9, 2014

French Crepes with Strawberry Banana Cocoa Almond Spread ( Nutella)

This French Crepes are so easy to make, but so lovely to eat.  I infuse the lemon zest and Disaronno in the batter which really makes it more delicate to enjoy, add in the crumbly toasted almond to different layer textures.  I think it is not just a classy French dishes, but very luscious to eat too ! 
This is perfect dish for man to surprise their ladies, or make it with your kids for Mother's Day.  I promise your girl will be moved .... ^_*

Preparation time: 5 minutes.
Cooking time: 10 minutes.
Make: 12 Crepes with 3/4 measuring cup. 


French crepes :

1.  1cup all- purpose flour.

2.  1 teaspoon sugar.

3.  A pinch of salt.

4.  2 cup of milk or soy, almond milk are fine too.

5.  2 tablespoon melted butter.  More butter to wipe the pan.

6.  1 lemon zest.

7.  1 tablespoon of Disaronno or almond extrat.   Vanilla is good too ! 


1.  Strawberry sliced.
2.  Banana sliced.
3.  Toast Almond crunbled.
4.  Cocoa almond spread or Nutella.
5.  Chocolate syrus. 

The easy way to make a crepe is .... Put all the crepes ingredients in the blender.  Then, let it sit at least 15-30minuts.  
* By using the blend you will get the smooth mixture , but you need to let the gulten relax, so the crepes will be soft and nice, otherwise they will be hard and crunch.  That won't be what we are looking for ! 

You will need a 10 inches non-stick pan.  
Heat up the pan with medium heat, lightly brush with butter then wipe it out with kitchen papers towels.  Use 1/3 measuring cup to add the batter in the center of the pan, then swirl the batter till cover all over the pan.  When the edge is starting to dry, tiny bobbles show in the center.  It is ready to filip ! A couple second for other side.   Easier than a pie.

* I put the chopstick between layers of Crepes to cool it down, and avoid to stick together.  Then, take a turn, flip them to let the hot air exist out.  When the Crepes is cool, layer it with plastic wrapper between.  Storge in freezer and zip bag.  Easy heat up in the microwave or pan with no time.  

Fliing in the cocoa almond spread, strawberry, banana and crumble toasted almond.  How you want to wrap it.  It is all about your decision.  



1. 1杯中筋麵粉.

2. 1 小匙細砂糖.

3. 1 小撮塩.

4.  2 杯牛奶, 豆漿, 或杏仁牛奶皆可. 

5.  2 大匙溶化的奶油.

6.  1個檸檬皮刨成細末.

7.   I大匙杏仁甜酒, 香草精也很佳.


1.  草莓切片.

2.  香蕉切片.

3.  烤過的杏仁弄碎.

4.  杏仁巧克力醬或是榛果巧克力醬.

5.  巧克力醬.

然後讓它靜置10-15 分鐘.  果汁機的攪拌呈現順滑的口感, 但是你得令麵粉的筋性鬆弛.  那麼薄餅才會軟嫩, 否則會呈現又硬且脆的薄皮, 那不是我們期許的.

你將會需要10吋的不沾鍋, 使用中火加熱, 然後淡淡的抹上奶油, 接著用廚房餐巾紙除去多餘的成份.  使用1/3 的量杯, 加入麵糊入鍋中的中心, 然後順勢旋轉蓋住整個鍋面.  當外環開始乾了, 小氣泡開始出現在中央部分, 就可以翻面了.  另外一面只需幾秒的時間, 比做派還簡單! 

我放置筷子在於薄餅之間, 另其冷卻. 然後不同方向的翻動另熱氣蒸發.  當所有的捲餅冷卻後, 用膠模隔開放置於封囗袋.  儲存於冷凍, 取用時, 使用微波爐或入鍋根加熱, 根本不需要多少時間.

放入巧克力杏仁醬, 草莓, 香蕉, 和烤過的碎杏仁.  然後要怎麼捲它就由你決定了!