Thursday, December 3, 2015

Beer Blue Crabs with Silky Eggs 啤酒滑蛋青蟹

My husband had a few great job promotion chances, but it requires to move away from NJ.  A couple of friends told me, " Just go with where has better future ".  But, we didn't do that, because we, the Yeh's love the beautiful vivid four seasons in Jersey, especially the snowing on a cold winter.  The second reason make us to stay in NJ, is because we got some friends who are as close as family.  

One of couples, Wah and Rong are like big brother and sister to us.  They always show up when we really needed help.  Each time we try to invite them to come over to my house for dinner, they will always bring more stuff to our house.  He brings like our favorite sweet bread and cakes for the next day breakfast or an afternoon snack. They also bring all kinds of fruit that I don't usually see at Jersey, but from the big city of NY.  This Thanksgiving, they also brung some, "crabs" ! ~

I had lots of good memories about crabs when I was a kid with my dad, but never really got to cook them and murder them on my own hands (my little boy say that).  😂. 

Rong told me, her family loves to cook crab with beer, or sauté them with some aromatics, then drizzle on top with beating eggs.  So, here is the Lucy's Beer Blue Crabs with silky eggs after 3 days later stuck in my mind to create this recipe.  


 1.  6-8 good sized to of blue crabs, cleaned, shelled, halved.  

2.  A large handful of baby spinach leaves. 

3.  Tapioca flour to sprinkle on the crab meat and another two tablespoons of tapioca flour to mix with same amount of cold water to thicken sauce.

4.  2 beating eggs 

1. 5 cloves of garlic minced, about 1 tablespoons. 
2. 2 inch ginger skinned, minced, about 1 tablespoon. 
3. I cup of celery diced. 2/3 for sauté, 1/3 for referring finish touching.
4. 1 bottle beer.
5. 1 cup of chicken broth of water. 
6. 2 tablespoons of butter.
7. Sea salt and fresh ground white and black peppers.  
8. 1 red chili, seeded or not, as your own desire.  

Sprinkle tapioca flour on top of crabs meats only, and let it set by the side.   

Place the garlic, ginger in the big skillet, add in the oil, medium heat, sauté to fragrance and lightly golden brown.  Add in the celery dices, then the butter, let it release all the flavor too.  Follow that with a bottle of beer, 1 cup of chicken broth or water.  High heat to bring it to broil.  

Lay down the crabs evenly and crab meat face up in the pan, cover with lid.  When the crabs turn red about 3-5 minutes, push the crabs to one side, keep the juice on the other, then use tapioca with water mixture to thick the juice from the bottom of the pan, but still remains the sauce running.  

Add in add in the top crabs shells, drizzle beating eggs all over, over with lid about one minute, then give you skillet a swirl.  Throw in the spinach, cover the lid again, but kill the heat, last one minutes, open the lid, toss the pan a little.  Finish with that 1/3 of diced celery to refresh all the flavors.  Done !!! 

This is a very quick dish to make.  I just keep adding in the ingredients in the right timing, pretty much that's all, but the flavors from crabs are naturally fresh and sweet, sauce are savor and hanging with that silky eggs.  I love to spoon everything from the plate in one bite with that crabs eggs.  Oh .... Man, I can't tell you how much I love this dish and I don't even mind go though all those troubles and messiness to eat them.  They are damn finger licking good.  More beer to accompany with it will be perfectly awesome.  Cheers!!! my dear friend ! ~ 

I know a better job it will be always very attractive, but fews good friends won't just show up too often in my life, and live in NJ with beautiful four seasons which is really a great gift from God.  What could be even better than all these.  I'm more than glad, and much more appreciated  and touched ..... 

我家老公有幾次工作升遷的機會, 但條件是我們必須搬離紐澤西.  我的一些朋友說, " 哪裡有美好的未來, 就去吧! " 但, 我們並未如此做.  因為葉家喜歡一年四季分明的紐澤西, 特別是在冷冷的冬天裏那下雪的日子.  第二個令我們留下在紐澤西的原因是, 我們認識的一些朋友中, 都像家人一樣.  

其中一對夫妻, 華和蓉對我們就像是大哥和大姐一般.  每次我們需要幫忙時, 他們總是即時出現.  每次邀請他們來家用餐.  他們總是帶著更多的東西來.  我們喜歡的甜麵包和蛋糕, 當隔日幸福的早餐和下午點心.  還有在澤西不常見到的水果只有在紐約才有的.  今年的感恩節他們帶來我最喜歡的"螃蟹". 

在我小時候, 我和父親有許多美好的回憶都是和螃蟹有關的, 但我卻從未真正親自打理過.  更別說是" 謀殺" 這些螃蟹了( 我家小兒説的 ) .  蓉告訴我, 她們家喜歡用啤酒來做, 或是炒香香辛料, 再淋上蛋液.  如是這想法在我腦中環繞了三天, 終於誕生了露西蘇的啤酒滑蛋蟹. 

1.  6-8 隻新鮮螃蟹, 洗凈切塊. 

2.  1 大把的嫩菠菜葉.
3.  太白粉用來沾在螃蟹肉上, 和另外2 大匙的太白粉對上同等量的水, 做為勾芡用. 
4. 2顆打散的蛋.


1.  5 顆蒜頭切末約1 大匙左右. 
2. 二吋左右的薑, 去皮切末約1大匙左右. 
3. 1 杯切丁的西洋芹.  2/3杯用於爆香, 另外1/3 杯拿來最後的提鮮. 
4. 1 瓶啤酒. 
5. 1 杯雞高湯或水.
6. 2 大匙的奶油. 
7. 海塩和新鲜研磨的黑白楜椒粉.
8. 1 條紅辣椒去不去籽投其所好.

先將太白粉只灑在螃蟹的肉上, 靜置一旁. 

放入薑蒜, 入油, 中小火, 炒香至淡金黃色, 再加入芹菜丁, 後奶油, 另所有的香氣釋出.  隨之加入1瓶啤酒和1杯雞高湯或水, 大火煮沸.  

均勻放入螃蟹.  蟹肉朝上.  蓋上鍋蓋.  當螃蟹在3-5分鐘變紅之後, 將螃蟹撥於一邊和醬汁居分.然後用太白粉水勾芡, 但保持醬汁滑溜.  

再加入螃蟹大殼, 淋上蛋液, 蓋上鍋蓋約1分鐘, 給予鍋子一些搖晃.  加入菠菜, 再次蓋鍋, 熄火.  最後1分鐘, 略翻炒, 灑入1/3的芹菜丁提鮮. 就這樣!!! 

這是一道很快速的菜, 只要在對的時間裡不斷的放入食材及可的做法.  然而螃蟹味鮮甜, 醬汁掛著滑蛋香鹹多滋味.  我喜歡用湯匙將盤中所有的料配著螃蟹的卵黃一起食用.  天呀! ~ 我無法告訴你我有多喜歡這道菜, 而且我根本不介意吃這個有多麻煩或多沾手.  因為它們該死的好吃而且吮指回味無窮.  配上更多的啤酒就太完美了.  乾杯!!! 我親愛的朋友們 ! ~

我知道更好的工作總是吸引人, 但有些好朋友, 卻不會總是在你的人生中經常出現.  而能住在這四季分明的紐澤西, 則是老天爺給與的最佳禮物.  還有什麼比得上這些更好的呢?我有的不只是開心, 更是知足與感動! ~ 

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