Sunday, February 16, 2014

To be a great warrior in our own life

It's years of 2014, snow storm has been hit Jersy very hard, and my husband is in China for business trip.  I never shovel this much of snow in my life.  I can't even remember how many times, I have snow storms in two months, all I can remember is each one snow storm takes me at least two hours to clean the drive way, and side walk.  I get sweat like a fish.  My wrists feel like both of joints already misplaces, then my sholder feel the pain at next day.  The real worse part is, I miss my husband terribly !

Is there better choice that I have ?  No, my hubby needs to bring home bacons, and I got 3 kids to feed ....
This is what I know, life is not always bring us candy.  Sometimes we may get  lemons, then we have to make lemonade by add in some water and sweetener to make juice, so it will be easy to swallow.  Sometimes, we might recive the salty ham, we have to work harder and sweat more to make the feast to put on our dinning table.  There's bitters could  jump in our life without our permission too.  We just have to pair with our favorite wine, and juice to make a great cocktail, then cheer up.  These are real life, and it is happening every single day !

I also know, complain will not help, feel sorry about myself will take me no where.  That's why I choose to be a warrior.  I would try to conquer any mission impossible, and I know, this pain will make me stronger and mature to see things in different angles.  I know, I might lost the control in the battle, but I will learn to cherish more what I have.  I know, I might get things more challenge in the future, but I am not afraid, and I am not worry either !

I will keep moving on my life as a great warrior, doing the hard work, bring home the victory, and share my best reward with my partner and my little soldiers ! ~

2014年, 暴風雪侵襲紐澤西相當沈重.  我老公到大陸出差, 我這一輩子還沒鏟過這麼多的雪.  我已經不記得這一兩個月來下多少次雪了, 只記得每次都將近花兩個小時把車庫前, 還有走道鏟乾淨.  我全身濕透的像一尾魚.  兩手腕像是脫臼了似, 接下來的隔日, 是肩膀疼痛.  更慘的是, 我非常想念我老公!

我有更好的選擇嗎? 沒有! 老公需要賺錢養家, 我有三個小孩等著要餵....
這是我所知道的, 人生中不會永遠只帶給給我們甜頭.  有些時候我們得到的是檸檬, 你就得把它做成檸檬汁, 加上水和糖漿, 才能輕易入口.  有時候我們得到的是鹹火腿, 我們就得做的更辛苦且流汗, 才能在餐桌上擺滿嚮宴.  有時候苦艾酒沒經過我們的批準, 就進入我們的生活.  所以我們只能配上喜歡的酒, 加入果汁變成一杯調酒, 然後乾杯 ! 這就是真實的人生, 而且每一天都在進行著 !

我也知道埋怨幫不上忙, 自怨自艾也改變不了什麼.  這也是為什麼, 我選擇當一位戰士.  我會試著去戰勝那一些不可能的任務.  我同時瞭解, 這份苦痛會讓我更堅強, 更成熟的用許多不同的角度去看待其它的事.  我知道我也有可能會在戰場中失去掌控, 所以我更加學會去珍惜我所擁有的.  我知道往後可能會有更多的挑戰, 但是我不害怕, 而且也不擔心!

我會像勇敢的戰士一樣, 繼續前進未來的日子, 辛苦的工作, 帶來勝利, 和我的伴侶以及我的小儸儸分享我的戰勵品.

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