I have been seems very close to Buddha since I was a child. I always met some nuns would give me the advises for my future life. But, I didn't really think much at that time. My elementary school was a Catholic school. I remember to watch the first teacher of my life became a beautiful bride, walked in the church standing in front of that very nice and kind farther ..... It was a very a great joy. As I enrolled the elementary school and Junior high school. I was just like average Taiwanese believe in Taoism, worth the ancestors, and many different Gods. As an Taiwanese we believe in Buddha realism at the same time too. Taoism and Buddha realism are so inseparable for Taiwanese. I guess that's why most Taiwanese are always so kind and forgiving.
Then, I went to Protestant high school. I had lots Christmas activities, sang songs, studied bible. I almost be baptized once, but I ran away. I was so touch with every time when I gather with everyone, but I still had lots of questions about religions. Just like that, there were so many years I had some conflict between all these different religions. The interesting things is, whatever my question that occurred, I always found the answers pretty quick from bible or Buddhist books.
My body had obviously changed after I graduated from college. I became so sensitive to the greasy food and meat, especially in the earlier morning. Therefore, I have been a morning vegetarian so naturally more than 25 years now. Maybe I do really have that fate with Buddha, so I pursue his kindness and practice his great love. My body is getting more sensitive as I got older these couple years. I had been trying to cut down the meat for lunch. But, my kids were very concerned. My kids said, " If there are vegetarians, then they will be the " meaterains " ( meat lovers) . They just created this word for it. They also begged me, please never ever become a totally vegetarian.
Now, I want you to tell me, a person who loves food so much and enjoy cooking so much like me. I can eat less meat, but how could I resist the American steaks. Every time I see the great food, I just got so attracted to it, and lost controls.
Steaks are usually come from the tender parts from cows. The more tender steaks the higher prices, so how can we cook the steaks right and let that cow worth to sacrifice it's life becomes our meal on our plate? These are my years of experience, even my 13 years boy can menage it right without failure. I am confident you can do it too !!!
1. Steaks has to be in room temperature before you placed in the pan. So, meat won't curl up and will be cooked more evenly.
2. Lightly apply the vegetables oil on the tender steaks, generally sprinkle black, white peppers and sea salt on both sides of steaks. Red pepper on one side. Each peppers will give the different depths of kicks. This is the easiest and best way that I do my steaks. I also love to use oyster sauce apply on the steaks instead of sea salt, and the color of steaks are gorgeous and even more flavors.
3. Grill pan needs to be lightly brushed with vegetables oil on top, so the grill pan won't over heated and get burn which would be affect the cleanness of steaks. Use high heat bring to smoking hot. This pan can reach over 400F after you heat it with high heat. The grill marks step up the steaks and keeps the heat circulation well, so steaks are sealed perfectly from outside and locked all the juiciness and smell wonderful. I highly recommend this case iron pan with grill marks.
4. Do Not keep flipping around or press the steaks. This way will remain its own juices inside. * Be patient when the bottom side turn medium dark brown, or you can see the color has been charged to white. Flip the steaks only once. By touch the palm of your hand and compare to the softness of steaks you can easily to nail how's your stakes want to be cooked.
Open your palm and relax, it would just like steaks cooked rare.
Open your palm flat, it would be just like steaks cooked about medium to medium rare.
Open your palm with forces, it would be just like steaks cooked well done.
I personally like my steaks medium rare. Fully cooked are usually tend to be chew and tough, I am just not interested, sorry !!!
Steaks will continue to be cooked after you take them out of pan. Color would be getting darker. Cover with foil paper and wait for 3-5 minutes. Sliced steaks after the temperature has been dropped down a little, so all the meat juices will stay inside. Not running all out and wasted.
6. When you are enjoying the steaks. You Must slice it against the grains, otherwise meat will be easy to chew and swallow.
7. This method will be useful on steaks around 1 inch thick, no more than two inches.
I love to prepare two extra steaks and cooked, and keep them air tight in the zip bag. The following week I will sliced these steaks to make some sandwiches or mix with salad or made a noodles dish, before I've done the noodles, kill the heat, then add in these steaks. Heavenly !!!
Dear Buddha, I am really sorry !!!
我從小就與菩薩很有緣, 每每去到廟裏總有尼姑來勸誡我人生的方向, 我也未曾多想. 幼稚園唸的是天主教, 看著自己人生中的第一個老師披上婚紗在走入敎堂和親切和藹的神父, 那是一種幸福的喜悅. 進入小學, 中學後當然和一般的臺灣人民信的道敎一樣. 隨著家人祭拜祖先和神明但也信佛. 而道敎和佛教對臺灣人來說總是那麼的密不可分. 我想這也是為什麼臺灣人總是那麼的仁慈而不計仇恨吧 !
移至高中時, 我就學的是基督教學校. 開始有了學校一切的聖誕節活動, 詩歌吟唱, 團契𥚃拜讀聖經. 有一次還差點就受洗了, 而當時的我卻臨陣脫逃, 因為心中仍存許多疑問. 就這樣我對宗教的疑問和衝突持續了若干年. 但有趣的是, 不管我對哪個宗教產生的執疑, 我總是很快的在聖經和佛書裡面找到答案.
專科畢業後, 身體開始出現明顯的變化. 尤其是對油膩及肉食感到噁心, 特別是在清晨. 所以很自然的養成了吃早齋的習慣, 至今也20多年有了! 也許是真的和菩薩有緣份吧! 所以我也很自然的奉行他仁慈的心和修養自己的大愛. 然而近來卻又因為年紀的增長, 胃腸又見敏感, 於是就在午餐裡盡量少食肉類. 可我的孩子們卻擔心起來了. 孩子們說, " 如果有蔬菜主義者, 那麼他們則是肉食主義的愛好者. 求我這個娘千萬別吃全素啊!"
你説, 那麼愛吃又愛煮的我. 肉倒是可以少吃些, 但怎能捨棄美國的牛排呢?沒志氣的我只要一見到美食的勾引就什麼事都忘了!
牛排的肉通常是一頭牛裡面較嫩的部分. 越嫩的價值越高, 那我們得如何烹煮才不會讓這頭牛白白的犧牲成為我們盤中的食物呢? 這是我多年來的經驗, 現在連我13歲的小兒都能抓到重點零失敗. 希望大家也會喜歡我的幾個小技巧.
1. 牛排下鍋前須回到室溫, 放入高溫的鍋中, 才不會溫差變化過大而捲曲, 肉質熟成的溫度較均勻.
2. 軟嫩的牛排淡淡的抹上沙拉油( 耐高溫 ), 兩面不客氣的灑上新鮮的黑白楜椒, 和海塩. 紅辣椒一面就好了, 才不會太過火. 這是最簡單, 也是我最喜歡的方式. 我也很喜歡用蠔油來代替海塩塗抹在牛排上面. 牛排煮熟後的顏色就更迷人了, 而且味道更豐富.
3. 在熱鍋前或烹煮過程中, 先得淡淡的在鍋子裡刷上油脂, 保持鍋中的油潤度, 才不會因為乾燒鍋子而產生灰燼或是沾黏, 髒了牛排. 大火加熱至冒煙後, 這鍋溫度可以高達400F 以上. 烤紋墊高了肉, 溫度能充分的流動循還, 能保牛排快速的從外層烤熟烤香, 並鎖住裡面的肉汁. 我高度推薦擁有一只有烤紋的鑄鐵鍋.
4. 置入牛排至熱鍋後切忌不停的翻動和擠壓, 肉汁才能保存其有. * 靜待一面熟成棕色之後, 側邊開始呈現白色熟度, 僅翻一次面即可. 從輕觸手掌肉的感覺和牛排比較, 就可以測出牛排的熟成度無疑.
我個人偏好7分熟, 全熟的牛排顯的老, 浪費了, 我沒興趣! 恕我直言! ~
煎好的牛排會繼續熟成, 顏色也會持續加深. 蓋上錫萡紙, 得等個3-5分鐘溫度稍為降低後, 肉汁才不會在切的過程中釋放而出, 不然那就可惜了!
5. 你食用牛排時" 一定 " 得逆紋而切, 肉的纖維才不會導致難以咀嚼.
6. 這方法適用於約1吋厚度的牛排, 不能超過2吋厚度.
我通常會多做二塊起來, 大塊放入密閉的封囗袋, 擠出空氣來. 接下來的一星期裡我可以切片做三明治, 拌沙拉或是炒個麵最後熄火再拌入 ..... 天堂 ! ~
菩薩, 真是對不起了!!! 😅