Monday, February 15, 2016

Mr. Kale 凱爾先生

Mr. Kale is a tough big guy with the dark green curly hair.  He often is not too playful, but he is surely a decent man with lots of goodness to enrich your life, if you get to know him well. 

When you first meet this tough guy, you will never want to mess up with him, unless you are tougher than him.  I will suggest you to bring some sweet smile and aromatic senses to visit Mr. Kale first, then you will quickly get ready to see the real side of him.   Then, toast him with some wine.  As you know, wine always soften people's minds, and bring each other closer.  Keep bringing him someone friends with the same great vivid personality just like him, and let them to complement their each other.  Fun will be starting and all over around.  

What ????  As I was reading this Mr. Kale to my little boy.  I thought He would think that I was going nuts, but he did understand what was I talking about ..... So I will assume that you know, Mr. Kale is a very nutrition dark green vegetable.  

Cooking time: 5 minutes.
Server 4-5 people.

1. 1 bundles of kale, take the hard stems off and break it into  the bite sizes.  Rinse in the cold water then drained.  
2.  1 onion thin sliced. 
3.  1 teaspoon of garlic powder or 2-3 fresh garlic rough chopped. 
4. 1/4 cup of white wine will be awesome, but water is fine. 
5. Salt and black pepper.
6. 1/2 cup of purple olives, and it's own juice or oil.  

Sauté onion and garlic till transparent and fragrant with medium heat.  

Add in the kale and toasted well, follow in the wine or water right away, cover with lid.  

Adjust heat to high and cook about  1-2 minutes, when the hard color green "start getting" tender, then kill the heat right away.  

Add in the purple olivers, and its own oil or juices, stir gently! Wa la!~ 

Onion and garlic are sweet and aromatic, wine perfectly soften the  kale with flavor.  That purple olives just make kale so stand out.  Great acidly to balance the sweet onion, and brights up the hardy kale too.  Love the olives texture between onion and kale.  All that sweet, savor, hardy favors are circling in my mouth.  My mind feels pleased !!! 

Now, I just need to convince my kids to eat purple olives ..... One step at the time, right ?! ~ 

凱爾先生是一位壯碩的漢子, 他有這一頭深綠色的捲髮.  他通常也不有趣, 但如果你認識了真的的他.  他絕對是一位很有深度的人, 足以豐潤你的人生.  

當你最初遇到這位硬漢子時, 最好不要惹火它.  除非你比他更強悍.  我會建議你帶著一些甜美的笑容和芬芳的氣息去拜訪凱爾先生.  然後你便很快的你認識了他真實的一面.  接著再敬他一杯酒吧! 酒這玩意總是能軟化人的思想, 讓人與人彼此之間的距離更靠近.  之後再介紹給他一些和他個性一樣鮮明的朋友, 讓他們都能替彼此產生光芒.  有趣的事就會從週遭開始 ..... 

什麼???? 當我在唸這篇凱爾先生的文章給我小兒聽時, 我想他應該會以為他媽咪快瘋了.  沒想到他居然了解我在説什麼 ..... 所以我就假設你們應該也都知道凱爾先生是一種很營養的深綠色蔬菜.  

烹煮時間: 5分鐘.

1. 一把羽衣甘藍菜, 去莖梗, 撕成入口尺寸片狀.  冷水洗凈後瀝乾. 
2. 1 茶匙的香蒜粉或是2-3顆的蒜頭隨意切塊. 
3. 1/4 杯的清酒或白酒.
4. 塩和黑胡椒.
5. 1/2杯的紫橄欖和自身的浸泡油或汁液. 


放入羽衣甘藍菜拌勻, 隨後入酒或水, 蓋上鍋蓋. 

調整火候至高溫, 約1-2分鐘直到羽衣甘藍菜"開始"變軟, 馬上熄火. 

加入紫橄欖和它自身的浸泡汁液或油, 輕輕的拌勻! ~ 鏘鏘!!! 

洋蔥和蒜頭帶甜且香氣足, 白酒充份的軟化了羽衣甘藍菜還多了一份香醇.  那紫色的橄欖讓羽衣甘藍菜顯得格外出色.  恰到好處的酸氣平衡了洋蔥的甜, 也讓羽衣甘藍菜的表現更清新.  我還很喜歡紫色橄欖的口感剛好介於洋蔥和羽衣甘藍菜之間.   所有的甜鹹濃郁的味道在嘴𥚃徘徊.  我的腦海裏充份的被取悅 !!! 

現在我須要做的是, 說服我的孩子們嚐嚐這些紫橄欖 ..... 一步一歩慢慢來, 對吧 ?! ~ 

一杯的青花甘藍菜: 抗炎, 抗氧化, 比牛肉更多的鐵含量, 134%維他命C, 684%維他命K, 206%維他命A, 33克卡洛里, 0脂肪.