Friday, March 20, 2015

Lucy's Italian Tomato Sauce 露西蘇的義大利紅醬

I spent years to settle down my Italian tomato sauce, it doesn't require tons of complicated ingredients.  You can keep it very simple, but few spices will show personal charther, and if I don't have a good 30-45 minutes.  I will not rush to make it. Paying attention on every detail is what I need to make this " mother sauce " that Itaian called to be wonderful.  You can have it with pasta, fry chicken cutlet, meat balls, eggplant ..... My picky husband will almost lick the plate and my kids always ask for more sauce.  I hope you will in love with this Italian tomato sauce as much as my family does.

Preparations time : 5-10 minutes.
Cooking time : 30-45minutes.
Serving : Enough for 1 pound of pasta or more left. 


1.  1 can of tomato ( whole, crushed, purée, ) just pick up the texture that you like. 

* I personally like smooth puréed, easy for my picky family members. 

* If you are using the fresh tomatoes, you will need at least 8-10 medium size tomatoes, just lightly sliced a cross mark on the bottom of the tomatoes, then add in the boiling water to cook about 2 minutes.  Take it out cool it down in the cold water.  Tomato skin should be very easy to peel it off.  Move it to the large bowl, you can squeeze them to tiny pieces like Italian grandma will do, but I perfer use sisizers just roughly cut trough it, or simply blend it in the food processor.  

* Some people might take out the seed, but if it doesn't has too much seeds in it.  I think that will be just fine.  

2.  1 medium size of onion, diced. 

* Sometimes I use 1/2 cup of fried onion from can.  I just simply crash them in the zip bag, then add in the sauce, which will reduces the time for cooking, but rich in deep flavors.     

3.  3-4 cloves of garlic, minced. 

4.   1 stalk celery break in half.

5.  1 tablespoon of dry basil. 

6.  1 tablespoon of dry parsley leaves. 

7.  1 teaspoon of dry oregano. 

8.  1 teaspoon of dry rosemary. 

* If I am making meatballs with this tomatoes sauce.  I will add in 1 teaspoon of finely ground fennel seed to compromise the meatballs.

9.  1 tablespoon of soy sauce, or you have tomato paste.  This will give you the nice deep red color and great depth to the tomato sauce.

10.  1 can of chicken broth 14.5 oz, or water.  

* If I make meat balls with tomato sauce, water will be just fine to add in this sauce, because all the meatballs will soak in that sauce, and the flavors will be all combined eventually.

* As I am a Taiwanese,  I got to try it with pork both too, perfect with all vegetables dishes, such as eggplant, or if your kids like " nothing pasta ".  That's a great way to cheat and bring so much rich comfort in the dishes.  

11.  4 oz of apple sauce, or just graded 1 medium size apple.  

12.  Salt and fresh ground black pepper. 

13.  1 teaspoon sugar or more, dependent on your own taste.  

14.  1/4 cup dry white wine. 

15.   1 handful of fresh flat parsley about 1/2 cup, no chopping necessary, and more when you ready to serve. 

Avoid the stainless or iron pot when you are making the acidity sauce which really bring in that sharpness taste.  You can call me crazy, but I spoke to couple Italian foodies.  We all agree on this matter ! 

Have a sauce pot ready, add in the cold good olive oil, garlic, turn heat on medium low, sauté it to light golden brown, follow the diced onion right away, add few salt to help onion get tender fast, sauté it to soft and transparent.  Keep adding in the basil, oregano, and rosemary, stir well till frangan, goes in the soy sauce or tomato paste.  Let the heat brings out the flavors and color too.  

*  Most of time I would make sure sauté galic to light golden brown, but if I am doing seafood or in summer time.  I will just simple sauté the garlic which will remain more acidity and perfect refresh with seafood. 

Now, it is time for the chicken broth, apple sauce, season with salt, fresh ground black pepper and a touch of sugar for your own personal taste.  Don't forget the dry white wine, and fill half can of water from chicken broth, then add in the pot too.  

High heat to bring it to boiled, then turn heat low to simmer, keep sauce with small bubbles, stir evey 5-10 minutes at least, scarp down the sauce from the side of pot to keep it clean and reach the bottom of pot.  This way will avoid the sauce get burn, simmer about 30-45 minutes.  Tomatoes sauce should be thick enough to coat on a spoon and it won't slipper away.  

Now, I hope you don't get too overwhelming with all my experiments, and just enjoy it !!! 

我花了許多年的時間拿定義大利蕃茄紅醬的作法, 它不需要很多或是複雜的材料.  你可以保有它原始的簡單, 但是少許的香料就能有它具備個人風格, 然而如果我沒有足夠的三十至四十五分鐘的時間, 我是不會匆促把它做出來的.  花心思在每一個細節上來做這義大利人口中的" 媽媽醬 ". 你可以配上義大利麵, 炸雞排, 肉丸, 茄子 ..... 我家挑剔的老公幾乎可以舔了盤底, 小孩們會要更多醬汁.  希望你也會像我家一樣愛上這份義式紅醬.  

準備時間 : 5-10 分鐘.
烹調時間:30-45 分鐘.


1.  1瓶罐裝的蕃茄罐頭. ( 整顆的, 碎的, 或是已經泥狀的 ) , 依你自己口感的喜好做選擇.  我個人喜歡泥狀的, 因為我家挑嘴的成員沒得挑. 

* 如果你要用新鮮的蕃茄的話, 至少要用上8-10顆以上的中型蕃茄.  只需要在蕃茄的底部輕輕的畫上十字型, 放入燒開的滾水中大約燙個兩分鐘, 然後撈起入冷水冷卻, 蕃茄皮應該就很容易剝落的.  移置大碗中, 你可以像義大利祖母一樣用手把它們捏碎, 但是我比較喜歡用剪刀把他們大至上剪爛, 又或者是就放入食物處理機將這些去了皮的蕃茄打碎.  

*  有些人喜歡去掉蕃茄籽.  但是, 我覺得如果蕃茄籽不是很多, 其實是不須要的! 

2.  1 顆中型尺寸的洋蔥切碎末.

* 有時候我會用罐裝的洋蔥酥放入封口袋裡敲碎, 然後加入醬汁, 這一來就節省了許多烹煮的時間, 而且帶來了很有深度的味道.

3.  3-4 顆蒜頭粒切碎末.

4.  1 株西洋芹折對半.

5.  1 大匙的羅勒乾香料.

6.  1 大匙的巴西利乾香料.

7.  1 小匙的牛至乾香料.

8.  1 小匙的迷迭香乾香料.

* 如果我要做的是肉丸子配上義式紅醬, 我會加入1茶匙磨碎的小茴香來綜合肉丸子裡的味道. 

9.  1 大匙的醬油或是蕃茄膏.  因為它們可以帶給蕃茄紅醬漂亮的顏色, 而且味道更有深度.  

10.  1 罐14.5oz的雞高湯或是水.

 * 如果我要做肉丸的話, 光加水是可行的.  因為肉丸將會在於紅醬裡燉煮, 所有的味道終究會溶和一起的.

* 既然我是個台灣人就得用豬膏湯來試試.  和蔬菜真是絶配, 像是茄子, 或者你的小孩喜歡什麼都沒有的義大利麵.  這道菜可以瞞天過海, 並帶來很豐裕且溫馨的享受.

11.  1 罐4oz 的蘋果泥, 或是1 顆中型蘋果磨成泥狀. 

12.  塩和現磨的黑楜椒粉.

13.   1茶匙的糖或多些, 依據自己的口味做調整. 

14.  1/4 杯的白酒.  

15.   1 把平葉的巴西利約半杯, 無須切碎. 更多一些上桌前使用. 

* 避免使用不鏽鋼鍋或鐵鍋烹煮會帶酸味的菜色.  它會帶來一種很尖銳的味道.  你可以認為我瘋了, 但是我問過許多義大利的老饕.  他們和我很同意這一回事.

備好鍋子, 使用好的橄欖油, 冷油和蒜末一起入鍋, 中小火炒至蒜末呈現淡金黃色, 隨後馬上放入洋蔥末, 灑許鹽能夠促進洋蔥的軟化, 炒至洋蔥呈現柔軟透明. 
持續加入羅勒, 牛至, 和迷迭香炒至香氣釋出. 再加入醬油或者是濃縮蕃茄膏, 讓熱氣帶出香味和顏色. 

大部分的時候我會把蒜末炒至金黃色, 但是如果我要做的是海鮮或是在夏天的季節裡.  我則簡單的炒香, 因為這樣蒜的酸味就可以讓海鮮保持清爽的味道. 配上蔬菜像是茄子之類的, 

現在是時候加入雞高湯和蘋果泥, 用塩巴和新鮮的黑楜椒, 及一點的糖依照自己的口味做調整.  別忘了加入白酒和半罐的水使用同一個蕃茄罐頭測量. 

高溫煮沸然後改中小火烹煮, 保持小泡泡約每5-10分鐘攪拌一下, 刮下鍋內邊的醬汁並且接觸至鍋底.  如此一來才能避免醬汁燒焦, 小火燉煮30-45分鐘, 蕃茄紅醬須足以裹附湯匙而不會全然滑落.