Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sweet Italian Sausage & Broccoli Rabe & Fresh Pork, Aromatic Shiitake Mushrooms and Bok Choy dumplings 義大利式甜香腸和西蘭花貝拉菜 & 鮮豬肉, 香菇以及青江菜水餃

Nothing can compare the fresh home make dumplings. Specially the aromatic shiitake mushroom, meaty coast grounded pork, and Bok-Choy meet the fresh home make wrappers. I know it takes more labor to do it, but the taste is rewarded. If you are really in rush, use you favorite Italian sausage and broccoli rabe will do the same trick, and it is ok to use the store bought dumpling wrappers, just make sure get the the decent one. I personal like the Northern Chinese style dumpling wrappers, it is hardy with great the texture of al dente.  Mmmmm ..... No words need to describe of these! 

Preparation time: 10minutes to make the dough.  At least 1 hour to rest the dough.
40-60 minutes to wrap the dumplings. * It depends how fast you are ....

Cooking time: 10-15minutes.

Make about little bit more than 4 dozen with 4 Italian sausage with same amont of broccoli rabe.

Ingredients :

Dumpling wraps

1.  31/2 cup of all purpose-flour.

2.  Quarter teaspoon of salt.

3. Cold water.

Filling :

1.  4 large-sized sweet Italian sausages, about less than 2 pounds.

2.  Broccli rabe, same amount of the Italian sausages after you blanch in the salty broil water, then chill it in the ice cold water, then squeeze the water out, diced too. 

3.  1 cup of mixed cheese (any kind of cheese, as long as they will melt)

4.  1tablespoon of grated garlic.

5.  1 tablespoon of fresh grated ginger. 

6.  Salt, black, white pepper for taste.  

7.  1 tablespoon of dry white wine or sake.  


1.  11/2 pound of coast grounded lean pork plus 1/2 pound of grounded fatty pork.  

2.  10 fresh aromatic fresh shiitake mushrooms diced.

3.  2 cups Bok Choy blenched in the hot broil salty water, chilled in the ice cold water, squzzd the water out then diced.  

4.  1 tablespoon of grated garlic.

5.  1 tablespoon of grated ginger.

6.  Salt and lots of white peppers for testing.

7.  2 tablespoon of light sesame oil.  

8.  1 tablespoon of sake or dry white wine.  

9.  1 tablespoon of finely ground fennel seed.

Use paddle attachment to blend flour and salt together, then slowly add in the clod water till flour looks crumble.  Switch paddle attachment to hook attachment, keep kneading until the flour become a shiny dough and the mixer is clean too.  Dived to 3 pieces of dough, then cover with lightly wet kitchen paper towel, let it rest at least 30 minutes to 1 hour.  When the dough is resting, it will be very easy to roll. 

* Make the filling during the dough is resting. 

Skinned the Italian sausages,  add in the broccoli rabe, mix cheese, grated garlic, wine, easy with salt and pepper by your personal taste, set aside.


Put the pork, shiitake mushrooms, Bok Choy, garlic, ginger, salt, white paper wine, and light sesame oil, mix well.

Spared the flour on the rolling board and pin to avoid the sticking.  roll the dough out about less than 0.5 cm thickness.  Use a 3 inch width glass, can cut out about 4 dozen more.

I like to use 3/4 inch scoop to pick up the filling to the wrappers, then apply water around half outer rim, press and seal the dough, but make sure leave no air space from the filling out of wrappers, then fold 3 times.  If the weather is dry, cover with damp towel on the dumplings to avoid dry out hard.  Spread some flour on the plate or working sheets, or use nonstick foil papers.  Move to freezer when it is getting harden, remove the dumplings to the zip bag.  Do not forget to excess the air out.  Keeps in the freezer, it will up to 3 month, but cook at the same day is always the best. 


Just use the store bough dumling wrapers will make about 6 dozens with 
the recipe of fresh ground pork with shiitake mushrooms and Bok Choy .....

Cooking dumpling : 

Prepar a large skillet, with at least 2-3 times water then your dumplings.  This way will avoid over crowed and reduced the heat too much during the cooking process.  Otherwise, dumplings will stick or get mush.

Bring water to broil, goes in the dumplings, use a specular attach to the bottom, gently push and stir to avoid the dumplings stick.  Bring to the broil again, then turn heat to medium, keep the boil bubbles going, but not crazy fast or simmer,  continue cooking.  When the dumplings float and popped, then it is done.  This way will perfectly cook for any kind of fresh or fozen dimplings.  There's no need to added more water, trust me!  It's all about, how you handel the heat ! ^_*

Make the dipping sauce during the boil dumplings. 

1.  1/4 cup of soy sauce.

2.  1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar. Any vinegar are fine, but I adore red wine vinegar with pork.

3.  3 strokes of scallion diced.

4.  1 tablespoon of fresh grated ginger.

5.  1 tablespoon of Chinese chilli sauce and it's own chilli oil,  or your favorite chilli sauce with 1 teaspoon of light sesame oil.

6.  1 tablespoon of graduated sugar.

7.  1/8 cup of fresh spicy red chili, seeded and diced.  

8.  1/4 cup of diced cilantro. 

Add 1-2 tablespoons water to adjust the saltiness that you prefer.  * Feel free to adjust all the sauce ingredient for your own taste.

Just in case there is someone in your family who likes fry dumplings.  You can use a little bit oil to pan fry these, after you broiled, till those dumplings are golden brown and crisp.   Another way to satisfy you taste buds.

沒有什麼比家裡包的新鮮的水餃更好的.  特別是香氣十足的香菇和肉味夠勁的豬絞肉, 以及青江菜搭上新鮮的手工麵皮.  我知道這很花時間, 但是這樣的口味絕對值得.  如果你真的趕時間的話, 可以用義大利香腸和西蘭花貝拉菜代替, 也一樣不錯! 使用商店裡面賣的水餃皮也很OK, 但還是要買到不錯的, 我個人喜歡的北方口味的水餃皮, 有一定的厚度, 而且煮熟以後很有咬勁.  嗯 ....... 不需要任何字來形容這些餃子有多好吃! 

準備時間:揉麵團10 分鐘, 醒麵至少1小時, 包餃子40-60分鐘. * 取決於你的速度有多快 ......

烹煮時間:10-15 分鐘.

可做大約4 打餃子, 如果你用的餡料是義大利香腸和西蘭花貝拉菜.



1.  31/2 杯的中筋麵粉.

2.  1/4 茶匙的鹽.

3.  冷水.


1.  4 條大尺寸的義大利香腸, 大概少於兩磅.

2.  和義大利香腸同等量的西蘭花貝拉菜.  使用加鹽的滾水川燙, 取出之後浸泡在冰水裡, 然後擰乾水份, 切末.

3.  1 杯的起司.  ( 只要是可以的融化的都行 )

4.  1大湯匙的蒜泥.

5.  1大湯匙的薑末.

6.  鹽和黑, 白胡椒適合你自己的味道.

7.  一大湯匙的清酒或者是白酒. 


1.  11/2 磅的粗豬絞瘦肉, 加上半磅的肥豬絞肉.

2.  10 朵新鮮香菇切細丁.

3.  青江菜川燙鹽水後, 浸泡冰水, 擰乾並且切細末.

4.  1 大匙的蒜泥.

5.  1 大匙的薑末.

6.  塩和許多白胡椒, 依個人喜好.

7.  兩大湯匙的香油.

8.  一大湯匙清酒或白酒.

使用攪拌器的平板器先將麵粉和鹽攪拌均勻, 慢慢的加入冷水, 使其麵粉慢慢的結小塊狀.  然後換成勾子狀的攪拌器, 繼續和麵直到麵粉成為光滑的麵團, 而且攪拌器底部也很乾淨為止.   分成三個等份然後蓋上微溼的乾淨抹布.  靜置醒麵至少三十分鐘至一個小時.  當醒麵團有足夠的時間, 就會很容易桿開.

* 再進行醒麵團的過程當中就可以開始準備肉餡.

將於義大利香腸去掉腸衣, 西蘭花貝拉菜,  拌入起司, 蒜,薑,酒,以及鹽巴 ,和胡椒.  靜置一旁.  


放入豬絞肉, 新鮮香菇, 青江菜, 蒜, 薑, 鹽巴, 白胡椒, 酒, 小茴香和香油拌勻.  

撒上麵粉在你要桿麵的桌面上預防沾黏.  將一份麵糰完全桿平低於零點五公分厚度.  使用三吋寬的玻璃杯可以印出大約4 打再多一點的水餃皮.

我喜歡用3/4 吋的挖冰淇淋器來包餡入水餡皮, 塗上水在水餃皮內側的半邊, 使其黏合.  然後打摺3次.  如果天氣很乾燥的話蓋上微溼的乾淨抹布, 避免硬化.  撒上一些麵粉在盤子中還有工作台上, 或是使用不沾黏的錫箔紙.  移至冷凍庫裡, 等餃子變硬, 就可以收藏到封口袋裡頭, 別忘了將多餘的空氣擠出.  在冷凍的保存之下可以超過三個月, 不過當天現包現煮的總是最棒的!  


使用商店裡面購買的水餃皮, 如果配上新鮮豬肉和香菇以及青江菜的材料, 可以包上大約6 打的水餃.


* 準備一只大鍋, 至少要能夠裝水2到3倍的水餃量.  這樣才能避免水餃過度擁擠, 而溫度降得太快, 而導致水餃沾黏, 或者是糊掉, 在烹煮的過程當中.

將水煮開, 放入餃子, 然後用飯匙接觸鍋底輕輕推動攪拌, 避免沾黏.  再次煮開, 調至中火, 滾水的泡沫不會太快太大, 也你不會太慢太小.  繼續烹煮至水餃浮起, 餃子本身也鼓起來, 就是熟了! 這樣的方式你可以完全的應用在不管是煮新鮮的水餃還是冷凍的水餃上.  相信我! 你根本不用對水.  這完全是看你怎樣控制火候!


1.  1/4 杯的醬油.

2.  1 大匙的紅酒醋.  任何醋都可以, 但是我特別喜歡紅酒醋和豬肉在一起的味道.

3.  3 根葱切末.  

4.  1/4 杯切碎的香菜.

5.  1 大匙的薑末.

5.  一大湯匙的辣椒和本身的辣椒油, 或是你自己喜歡的辣椒醬加上1 小匙的香油.  

6.  1 大匙的細砂糖.

7.  1/8 杯去仔的紅辣椒切末. 

將所有的材料放入碗中, 對入1-2 大匙的水, 調整你自己喜好的鹹度.  從沾醬的材料裡面, 隨性調整自己的口味.

順便告知, 如果你家裡有人喜歡吃煎餃的話, 可以用一點油將水煮過的餃子煎至金黃酥脆, 又是另一種不同口感的滿足!