Cooking time: 30 minuts.
Make: 12 cups.
1. 11/3 cup peanuts.
2. 2/3 cup short or medium grain white rice.
3. 12 cup water.
4. 21/2 cup sugar.
Soak rice with water overnight, Check the raw rice, If you bite into it, it will crumble that will be the good consistency.
Set the rack in the center of oven, reheat oven 350 F, laid peanuts on the baking sheet on layer only. Toast peanut to dark brown about 15 minuts more. It is very important to be careful at the last couple minutes to avoid burning.
Place rice, peanuts in the blender, gradually add just enough water to blend. This way peanut and rice will blend very smoothy.
Add 12 cup ( 16 oz ) water in the large pot, then add in the peanuts and rice mixture, trun hight heat, use egg beater keep whisking from the bottom. At this moment, Do Not Walk Away !!! Milk will get thicker as it reach to boil, when it start foaming, turn low heat, add suger very carfully, because peanut milk will be extramy hot.
Serve it hot, or keep in the refregirator cold, it will be your own choices. It definitely will makes you feel good and
happy / ***
* You can always adjust the water for for thickness, and sugar level for you own sweet taste....
台灣人的補充體力飲料, 我的這樣將花生米漿介紹給我美國朋友的. 不含乳製品, 沒有麬質, 豐富的蛋白質, 最適合全素者. 事實上它是台灣典型的早餐飲料. 我想,台灣的祖先, 早就想到它的營養價值了, 真棒!
準備時間: 浸泡米需隔夜.
烹調時間: 30分鐘.
份量: 12杯.
1. 11/3 杯, 或是2 杯煮飯的量米杯的花生.
2. 2/3 杯, 或是1杯煮飯的量米杯.
3. 12 杯水.
4. 21/2 杯糖.
白米浸泡水過夜. 確認米粒, 如果你一咬它就碎了, 那就是對的狀態.
把烤架移置烤箱中間, 預熱烤箱 175C. 花生鋪平在烤盤上, 烘烤至深棕色. 最後的幾分鐘很重要, 要避免燒焦.
置入米和花生入果汁機, 逐漸地加入足夠的水攪拌. 這方法就可以攪出綿密的口感.
放入12杯的水入大鍋, 然後加入米和花生的混合液. 開大火, 用攪拌器從底部攪勻, 這時候千萬不要走開, 花生米漿會開始變濃郁, 隨著沸騰點時. 當開始起泡末時, 關小火, 小心加入糖, 因為這時候米漿是非常的燙.
喝熱的, 或是是把它保存在冷藏冰箱裡, 隨你自己選擇. 它絕對會令你你感到舒服和開心 / ***
* 你可以調整水決定米漿的濃度, 或者是依你各人喜好的甜度調整糖.