No steamer? Every
Chinese family knows how to steam, but 8 out of 10 of us don't have a steamer. Just remember the steam method : choose a wok or pot wide and deep enough to put in your food with lid. Place a rack or a small bowl ( not plastic,) on the bottom of
pot, fill in the water. Put the food on a plate, and then sit the plate on the rack or bowl. The plate of food shouldn't touch the water. Be sure there is a gap
between plate and the pot, so steam can come up to cook the food. Cover with the lid, try not to open the lid
too many times during the steaming process, which will keep the temperature steady.
* It's important to know steam is as hot as an oven, always
open the lid away from your side for safety.*
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
Cooking time: 8 minutes.
1. 4 slices tilapia. ( Cod, sea bass, halibut are good too! )
*The bigger, thicker fish take a little bit longer, Use a chopstick to test if the fish is it done or not. if it goes through easily on the thicker part of fish without pressing in, that fish is done. Avoid over cooking the fish. Some will be tough.
1. 4 slices tilapia. ( Cod, sea bass, halibut are good too! )
*The bigger, thicker fish take a little bit longer, Use a chopstick to test if the fish is it done or not. if it goes through easily on the thicker part of fish without pressing in, that fish is done. Avoid over cooking the fish. Some will be tough.
1. 1 tablespoon oyster sauce.
2. 1 tablespoon
sake or vodka, or dry white wine is fine.
4. 1/2 cup thin
sliced ginger.
5. Salt and black
6. 1 red hot chili thin sliced for color.
7. 2 tablespoon sesame oil mix with 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.
*Picture as left: Dark sesame oil;
right: Japanese sake ( rice wine)
*Picture as left: Dark sesame oil;
right: Japanese sake ( rice wine)
7. 1 tablespoon dark sesame oil plus 2 tablespoon vegetable oil ( sesame oil has low heating point, by mixing vegetable oil to bring the temperature high, so it won't burn out).
Set the steam pot ready, fill in the water, cover the lid, high heat, bring to broil.
Place fish on the plate, then mix oyster sauce with wine together. Pour it on top of the fish.
When the water boils, kill the heat or turn it down for safety, put the fish in the pot, close tight with the lid, turn heat back to high, and steam about 8 minutes.
Turn the heat to low, open the lid, spread the scallion, ginger, and red hot chili, sprinkle salt and black pepper all over the fish. in a sauce pan, heat up the sesame and vegetable oil to smoking hot point. Kill the heat, drizzle on top of fish, especially the scallion and ginger. Serve it hot.
* This sauce is wonderful with rice, flat pasta (such as linguine) or a piece of bread!